Eric Fuertes
3D Foundations Coordinator
School of Art and Design, Northern Illinois University
E: [email protected] M: (361) 779-3070 DeKalb, IL 60115
3D Foundations Coordinator
School of Art and Design, Northern Illinois University
E: [email protected] M: (361) 779-3070 DeKalb, IL 60115
MFA 2011 Sculpture Northern Illinois University (Graduated with Honors)
BFA 2007 Sculpture Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
AA 2004 Fine Arts Del Mar College
Professional Experience- Academic Appointments
2011-Present Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
3D Foundations Coordinator/Faculty Advisor for Undergraduate Art Club “Ars Nova”- Design, develop and coordinate new and innovative undergraduate pedagogical curriculum, instruction and research within the 3D Foundations Program at NIU. Instruction and organization of Graduate Teaching Assistants within the 3D Foundations Program. Handling of budgetary and operating cost for 3D Foundations. Appointed to the NIU School of Art and Design Foundations Advisory Committee (FAC). Courses Instructed: 2D Foundations, 3D Foundations, Beginning Sculpture I & II, Intermediate Sculpture I & II, Foundry, Graduate/Undergraduate Independent Studies
Summer 2014 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Summer Session Orientation and First Year Experience Mentor for the School of Art and Design
Summer 2013-14 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Lead Visual Arts Instructor for the Upward Bound/College Bridge/University Village Program. Created courses that introduced a variety of methodologies and processes to underrepresented minorities and aspiring first-generation students.
2011 Estonian Academy of Fine Arts, Tallinn, Estonia
Instructor of record for a college- level sculpture/performance art course with students from more than 12 different countries.
2008-11 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Graduate Assistant/Graduate Teaching Assistant- Instructor of record for 2D Design, Beginning Sculpture. Primary Sculpture Department technician and head of facilities and operation of metal foundry.
Related Professional Experience
2007-08 Keen Foundry, Houston, TX
Shop Foreman - Commercial foundry “job shop”, 1lb. – 5000 lbs. ferrous casting capabilities, 600lbs. Aluminum capabilities. Employment duties include: small and large mold making, 34” cupola operator, finishing of castings, pattern repair, equipment maintenance and repair, visiting artist liaison and foundry representative.
2006-07 TAMUCC Sculpture Department, Corpus Christi, TX
Shop Assistant- Assisted in preparation and maintenance of the aluminum/bronze foundry and sculpture workshop, assist in instructing students in proper operation of wood/metal shop.
2014 Fabricator for artist Carlos “Dzine” Rolon, Chicago, IL
Fabricator for artist Lee Sido, Golden Apple Foundation, Rockford, IL
Fabricator for artist Andrew Arvanetes, DeKalb, IL
Special Honors/Awards
2014 Top Emerging Artist Award, Rockford Art Museum (RAM), Greenwich Art Fair, Rockford, IL
2011 Visiting Artist “For Love Not Money,” Kumu Museum of Contemporary Art Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia
2011 Northern Illinois University School of Visual and Performing Arts Distinguished Graduate Student Award -
Individual Award
2009 Lunford Graduate Grant, Northern Illinois University School of Visual and Performing Arts
Community Based Work
2014 Founder of “The Barb City Initiative,” Community-based art program that works within the City of DeKalb and the
region of Northern Illinois.
Upward Bound Program, 4 - 4x8 Community Mobile Murals, DeKalb, IL
University Village, 1- 4x8 Community Mobile Mural, Donated to the City of DeKalb, DeKalb, IL
The Elder Care Center, Curator of Public Art Program that donates/loans art work to the center for patrons to enjoy,
DeKalb, IL
Good Life Academy, After School Public Art Program Instructor, DeKalb, IL
2013 Upward Bound/College Bridge Program, DeKalb, IL
San Anto Cultural Arts, Built an interactive sculptural printing press with the local kids and the surrounding
community. Artwork is on permanent loan to assist San Anto in developing a printmaking program.
2014 “Corrido del Gigante Dormido,” Tennessee Tech University, Appalachian Center for Craft, Cookeville, TN
“Greenwich Village Art Fair,” Rockford Art Museum, Rockford, IL
“Public Practice,” The Art Deli Gallery, Rockford, IL
“Bat,” (Espirito de San Anto) UTSA, San Antonio, TX
“Kish Bash,” Kishwaukee College, Malta, IL
“Wildcat Welcome,” Mary and Leigh Block Museum, Chicago, IL
2013 “Version 13 Festival,” Co-Prosperity Gallery, Chicago, IL
“Iron Tribe Art Exhibit,” New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM
“San Anto and Dumbo Press Present: Printmaking Pachanga,” San Antonio, TX
“Contemporary Cast Iron Art,” Sloss National Furnaces and Historical Landmark, Birmingham, AL
“Visual Dialogues: Creative Processes,” Islander Art Gallery, TAMUCC, Corpus Christi, TX
“Bonds Made of Iron,” Main Street Art Works, Hilbert, WI
Dumbo Press “Death Metal Press,” Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Southern Graphics Council, Milwaukee,
“Pedagogical Paradigms,” 4th St. Art Gallery, DeKalb, IL
“NIU School of Art Faculty Show,” NIU Art Museum, DeKalb, IL
2012 “BFT and the Wolfbat Railway,” Old Iron Works, New Orleans, LA (presenting artist)
“Your Print Shop is in Another Castle,” The Yettee Gallery, Aurora, IL
“Prints Gone Wild,” House of Rock, (presenting artist) Corpus Christi, TX
“Sculpture Trails 2012 Outdoor Works,” Sculpture Trails, Solsberry, IN
“Kish Bash,” Kishwaukee College, Malta, IL
Hate Breeders, (Traveling Portfolio Exhibition)
Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM, March 2011.
Atrium Gallery - Fresno State University, Fresno, CA, April 2011 Bliss Hall Gallery - Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH, 2011 CPIT Design School - Christchurch, New Zealand, September 2012
2011 “For Love Not Money,” (presenting artist) Kumu Museum of Contemporary Art Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia
“Printapalooza,” (presenting artist) Mary and Leigh Block Art Museum, Chicago, IL
“Manuel Pardo: Stardust,” Begovich Gallery at California State University, Fullerton, CA
“Crafty Bastards,” Gallery TBA 1032 Chicago, IL
"Dumbo Press Presents: Penny Arcade,"(solo) Kishwaukee College, Malta, IL
“Evil Prints Printmaking Extravaganza,” Evil Prints Studio, St. Louis, MO
“NIU School of Art Faculty Biennial,” NIU Art Museum, DeKalb, IL
“Whimsy,” MFA Thesis, Gallery 215, Jack Arends Building, DeKalb, IL
2010 “Toronto International Printopolis,” (presenting artist) Toronto School of Art and Design, Toronto, Canada
"Live Printing: Drive By Press," Happy Dog Gallery, Chicago, IL
"Tower of Babble/Dumbo Press," The Print Center, in conjunction with “Southern Graphics Council” & “Philigraphika”
Philadelphia, PA
“New World/Old World,” MAPC (presenting artist), University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN
Visiting Artist/Presenter at Schaumburg Elementary, Schaumburg, IL
“Gods out of Garbage,” Latino Resource Center, DeKalb, IL
“Dia De Los Muerto,” Altgeld Glass Gallery, DeKalb, IL
Guerra de la Paz's "Home," Jack Olson Gallery, DeKalb, IL
“Graduate Art Association Winter Formal,” Pleasant St. Gallery, DeKalb, IL
"Double Decker," Pleasant St. Gallery, DeKalb, IL
2009 “Fifth Appendage,” Artist Residency of Chicago (ARC), Chicago, IL
“Juried Graduate Art Show,” (honorable mention) DeKalb, IL
“NIU Red and Black Event” Presenting Artist, Schaumburg, IL
“No Cheese, No Onions!” Pleasant St. Gallery, DeKalb, IL
2008 “Texas Atomic Iron Commission,” University of Texas Permian Basin, Odessa, TX
“Merkin,” NIU Women’s Center, DeKalb, IL
“New Kids on the Block,” Pleasant Street Gallery, DeKalb, IL
2007 “Texas A&M Corpus Christi Student Art Show,” Jurors (artist) Michel Smyth and Ricardo Ruiz (honorable mention),
Corpus Christi, TX
“TAMUCC 3-D,” Corpus Christi Art Center &“Presidential Ball” Corpus Christi Art Museum (honorable mention),
Corpus Christi, TX
2006 “Twisted Spurs,” K-Space Art Gallery, Corpus Christi, TX (3rd place)
“Visual Dialogue,” Islander Art Gallery, Corpus Christi, TX
“Texas A&M Corpus Christi Student Art Show,” juror (collector) Joe Diaz, Corpus Christi, TX
2005 “Texas A&M Corpus Christi Student Art Show,” (gallery director) Michelle Lock & “Visual Dialogue” Islander Art
Gallery, Corpus Christi, TX
Visiting Artist
2014 Texas Atomic Iron Commission, Part B, Invitational Visiting Artist, Houston, TX
2013 San Anto Cultural Arts, Led a workshop on woodblock printmaking and fabricated sculptural printing press with
students from the surrounding community, San Antonio, TX
Co-Instructor of Wax Melt Out Workshop, “Sloss National Conference on Cast Iron Art,” Birmingham, AL
2011 Estonia Academy of Fine Arts, Tallinn, Estonia
Co-Instructor of Large Mold Workshop, “Sloss National Conference on Cast Iron Art,” Birmingham, AL
Visiting Artist/Presenter at Wayne State, Detroit, MI
Sculpture Trails Sculpture Park Iron Workshop, Solsberry, IN
2010 Panelist, “Indianapolis Biennial Iron Art Pour,” Participating Artist, Indianapolis, IN (“Iron and the Difference
between Concept and Craft”)
Visiting Artist, “Southern Graphics Council” and “Philigraphika” Philadelphia, PA
Panelist, “Tattoo: An American Revolution,” Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
2009 Co-Instructor of Large Mold Workshop, “Sloss National Conference on Cast Iron Art,” Birmingham, AL
Presenting Artist, “NIU Red and Black Event,” Schaumburg, IL
2008 “Texas Firehouse Iron Pour,” New York, NY
2007 “International Iron Art Conference,” Gdansk, Poland
Public Iron Pour for Spiraling Orchard Park, ArtcorpsLA, Los Angeles, CA
“University of Southern Mississippi-Iron Pour,” Hattiesburg, MS
“Keen Foundry Atomic Iron Workshop,” Foundry Representative/Assistant to Participants, Keen Foundry,
Houston, TX
2014 Panelist “Success Loves Company: Collaborations” at MAPC Conference, San Antonio, TX
Texas Atomic Iron Commission, Part B, Invitational Visiting Artist, Houston, TX
2013 Foundations in Art: Theory and Education, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Southern Graphics Council, Milwaukee, WI
“Sloss National Conference on Cast Iron Art,” Birmingham, AL
2012 Co-Founder of the Jackalope Art Conference, 4th Street Studios, DeKalb, IL
National Portfolio Day, St. Louis, MO
“Carnival of Fire” Chicago, IL
Iron Head Iron Pour, Cedar Rapids, IA
Iron in May, Sculpture Trails, Solsberry, IN
2011 Co-Instructor of Large Mold Workshop instructor, “Sloss National Conference on Cast Iron Art,” Birmingham, AL
Chicago Hot Glass Iron Pour, Chicago, IL
Red Gate Studio Iron Pour, Chicago, IL
Indiana University Iron Pour, Bloomington, IN
2010 ”United Chilton Republic Iron Pour," Chilton, WI
“CAA Conference,” Chicago, IL
2009 “Tree Iron Pour,” Chilton, WI
2008 “Indianapolis Biennial Iron Art Pour,” Indianapolis, IN
Texas Academic Sculpture Association Art Conference, Beaumont, TX
2007 Teachers Assistant, Public Aluminum Scratch Block Pour, Corpus Christi Art Museum, Corpus Christi, TX
Teachers Assistant, Beeville College Aluminum Art Pour, Beeville, TX
Teacher’s Assistant, “Sloss National Conference on Cast Iron Art”, Birmingham, AL
2006 Teacher’s Assistant, “Keen Foundry Symposium” Houston, TX
TAMUCC Public Aluminum Pour for the local Elementary School, Corpus Christi, TX
Exhibitions Curated
2013 Kishwaukee College, School of Art and Design Student Exhibition, Malta, IL
2011 Kishwaukee College, School of Art and Design Student Show, Malta, IL
2009 Curator “The Glass Ceiling” The Latino Resource Center, DeKalb, IL
2006 “29th Annual Sea Sculpture” New Port Pass, TX (Judge)
Print Exchange
2011 “Hatebreeders Print Exchange”
MFA 2011 Sculpture Northern Illinois University (Graduated with Honors)
BFA 2007 Sculpture Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
AA 2004 Fine Arts Del Mar College
Professional Experience- Academic Appointments
2011-Present Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
3D Foundations Coordinator/Faculty Advisor for Undergraduate Art Club “Ars Nova”- Design, develop and coordinate new and innovative undergraduate pedagogical curriculum, instruction and research within the 3D Foundations Program at NIU. Instruction and organization of Graduate Teaching Assistants within the 3D Foundations Program. Handling of budgetary and operating cost for 3D Foundations. Appointed to the NIU School of Art and Design Foundations Advisory Committee (FAC). Courses Instructed: 2D Foundations, 3D Foundations, Beginning Sculpture I & II, Intermediate Sculpture I & II, Foundry, Graduate/Undergraduate Independent Studies
Summer 2014 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Summer Session Orientation and First Year Experience Mentor for the School of Art and Design
Summer 2013-14 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Lead Visual Arts Instructor for the Upward Bound/College Bridge/University Village Program. Created courses that introduced a variety of methodologies and processes to underrepresented minorities and aspiring first-generation students.
2011 Estonian Academy of Fine Arts, Tallinn, Estonia
Instructor of record for a college- level sculpture/performance art course with students from more than 12 different countries.
2008-11 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Graduate Assistant/Graduate Teaching Assistant- Instructor of record for 2D Design, Beginning Sculpture. Primary Sculpture Department technician and head of facilities and operation of metal foundry.
Related Professional Experience
2007-08 Keen Foundry, Houston, TX
Shop Foreman - Commercial foundry “job shop”, 1lb. – 5000 lbs. ferrous casting capabilities, 600lbs. Aluminum capabilities. Employment duties include: small and large mold making, 34” cupola operator, finishing of castings, pattern repair, equipment maintenance and repair, visiting artist liaison and foundry representative.
2006-07 TAMUCC Sculpture Department, Corpus Christi, TX
Shop Assistant- Assisted in preparation and maintenance of the aluminum/bronze foundry and sculpture workshop, assist in instructing students in proper operation of wood/metal shop.
2014 Fabricator for artist Carlos “Dzine” Rolon, Chicago, IL
Fabricator for artist Lee Sido, Golden Apple Foundation, Rockford, IL
Fabricator for artist Andrew Arvanetes, DeKalb, IL
Special Honors/Awards
2014 Top Emerging Artist Award, Rockford Art Museum (RAM), Greenwich Art Fair, Rockford, IL
2011 Visiting Artist “For Love Not Money,” Kumu Museum of Contemporary Art Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia
2011 Northern Illinois University School of Visual and Performing Arts Distinguished Graduate Student Award -
Individual Award
2009 Lunford Graduate Grant, Northern Illinois University School of Visual and Performing Arts
Community Based Work
2014 Founder of “The Barb City Initiative,” Community-based art program that works within the City of DeKalb and the
region of Northern Illinois.
Upward Bound Program, 4 - 4x8 Community Mobile Murals, DeKalb, IL
University Village, 1- 4x8 Community Mobile Mural, Donated to the City of DeKalb, DeKalb, IL
The Elder Care Center, Curator of Public Art Program that donates/loans art work to the center for patrons to enjoy,
DeKalb, IL
Good Life Academy, After School Public Art Program Instructor, DeKalb, IL
2013 Upward Bound/College Bridge Program, DeKalb, IL
San Anto Cultural Arts, Built an interactive sculptural printing press with the local kids and the surrounding
community. Artwork is on permanent loan to assist San Anto in developing a printmaking program.
2014 “Corrido del Gigante Dormido,” Tennessee Tech University, Appalachian Center for Craft, Cookeville, TN
“Greenwich Village Art Fair,” Rockford Art Museum, Rockford, IL
“Public Practice,” The Art Deli Gallery, Rockford, IL
“Bat,” (Espirito de San Anto) UTSA, San Antonio, TX
“Kish Bash,” Kishwaukee College, Malta, IL
“Wildcat Welcome,” Mary and Leigh Block Museum, Chicago, IL
2013 “Version 13 Festival,” Co-Prosperity Gallery, Chicago, IL
“Iron Tribe Art Exhibit,” New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM
“San Anto and Dumbo Press Present: Printmaking Pachanga,” San Antonio, TX
“Contemporary Cast Iron Art,” Sloss National Furnaces and Historical Landmark, Birmingham, AL
“Visual Dialogues: Creative Processes,” Islander Art Gallery, TAMUCC, Corpus Christi, TX
“Bonds Made of Iron,” Main Street Art Works, Hilbert, WI
Dumbo Press “Death Metal Press,” Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Southern Graphics Council, Milwaukee,
“Pedagogical Paradigms,” 4th St. Art Gallery, DeKalb, IL
“NIU School of Art Faculty Show,” NIU Art Museum, DeKalb, IL
2012 “BFT and the Wolfbat Railway,” Old Iron Works, New Orleans, LA (presenting artist)
“Your Print Shop is in Another Castle,” The Yettee Gallery, Aurora, IL
“Prints Gone Wild,” House of Rock, (presenting artist) Corpus Christi, TX
“Sculpture Trails 2012 Outdoor Works,” Sculpture Trails, Solsberry, IN
“Kish Bash,” Kishwaukee College, Malta, IL
Hate Breeders, (Traveling Portfolio Exhibition)
Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM, March 2011.
Atrium Gallery - Fresno State University, Fresno, CA, April 2011 Bliss Hall Gallery - Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH, 2011 CPIT Design School - Christchurch, New Zealand, September 2012
2011 “For Love Not Money,” (presenting artist) Kumu Museum of Contemporary Art Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia
“Printapalooza,” (presenting artist) Mary and Leigh Block Art Museum, Chicago, IL
“Manuel Pardo: Stardust,” Begovich Gallery at California State University, Fullerton, CA
“Crafty Bastards,” Gallery TBA 1032 Chicago, IL
"Dumbo Press Presents: Penny Arcade,"(solo) Kishwaukee College, Malta, IL
“Evil Prints Printmaking Extravaganza,” Evil Prints Studio, St. Louis, MO
“NIU School of Art Faculty Biennial,” NIU Art Museum, DeKalb, IL
“Whimsy,” MFA Thesis, Gallery 215, Jack Arends Building, DeKalb, IL
2010 “Toronto International Printopolis,” (presenting artist) Toronto School of Art and Design, Toronto, Canada
"Live Printing: Drive By Press," Happy Dog Gallery, Chicago, IL
"Tower of Babble/Dumbo Press," The Print Center, in conjunction with “Southern Graphics Council” & “Philigraphika”
Philadelphia, PA
“New World/Old World,” MAPC (presenting artist), University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN
Visiting Artist/Presenter at Schaumburg Elementary, Schaumburg, IL
“Gods out of Garbage,” Latino Resource Center, DeKalb, IL
“Dia De Los Muerto,” Altgeld Glass Gallery, DeKalb, IL
Guerra de la Paz's "Home," Jack Olson Gallery, DeKalb, IL
“Graduate Art Association Winter Formal,” Pleasant St. Gallery, DeKalb, IL
"Double Decker," Pleasant St. Gallery, DeKalb, IL
2009 “Fifth Appendage,” Artist Residency of Chicago (ARC), Chicago, IL
“Juried Graduate Art Show,” (honorable mention) DeKalb, IL
“NIU Red and Black Event” Presenting Artist, Schaumburg, IL
“No Cheese, No Onions!” Pleasant St. Gallery, DeKalb, IL
2008 “Texas Atomic Iron Commission,” University of Texas Permian Basin, Odessa, TX
“Merkin,” NIU Women’s Center, DeKalb, IL
“New Kids on the Block,” Pleasant Street Gallery, DeKalb, IL
2007 “Texas A&M Corpus Christi Student Art Show,” Jurors (artist) Michel Smyth and Ricardo Ruiz (honorable mention),
Corpus Christi, TX
“TAMUCC 3-D,” Corpus Christi Art Center &“Presidential Ball” Corpus Christi Art Museum (honorable mention),
Corpus Christi, TX
2006 “Twisted Spurs,” K-Space Art Gallery, Corpus Christi, TX (3rd place)
“Visual Dialogue,” Islander Art Gallery, Corpus Christi, TX
“Texas A&M Corpus Christi Student Art Show,” juror (collector) Joe Diaz, Corpus Christi, TX
2005 “Texas A&M Corpus Christi Student Art Show,” (gallery director) Michelle Lock & “Visual Dialogue” Islander Art
Gallery, Corpus Christi, TX
Visiting Artist
2014 Texas Atomic Iron Commission, Part B, Invitational Visiting Artist, Houston, TX
2013 San Anto Cultural Arts, Led a workshop on woodblock printmaking and fabricated sculptural printing press with
students from the surrounding community, San Antonio, TX
Co-Instructor of Wax Melt Out Workshop, “Sloss National Conference on Cast Iron Art,” Birmingham, AL
2011 Estonia Academy of Fine Arts, Tallinn, Estonia
Co-Instructor of Large Mold Workshop, “Sloss National Conference on Cast Iron Art,” Birmingham, AL
Visiting Artist/Presenter at Wayne State, Detroit, MI
Sculpture Trails Sculpture Park Iron Workshop, Solsberry, IN
2010 Panelist, “Indianapolis Biennial Iron Art Pour,” Participating Artist, Indianapolis, IN (“Iron and the Difference
between Concept and Craft”)
Visiting Artist, “Southern Graphics Council” and “Philigraphika” Philadelphia, PA
Panelist, “Tattoo: An American Revolution,” Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
2009 Co-Instructor of Large Mold Workshop, “Sloss National Conference on Cast Iron Art,” Birmingham, AL
Presenting Artist, “NIU Red and Black Event,” Schaumburg, IL
2008 “Texas Firehouse Iron Pour,” New York, NY
2007 “International Iron Art Conference,” Gdansk, Poland
Public Iron Pour for Spiraling Orchard Park, ArtcorpsLA, Los Angeles, CA
“University of Southern Mississippi-Iron Pour,” Hattiesburg, MS
“Keen Foundry Atomic Iron Workshop,” Foundry Representative/Assistant to Participants, Keen Foundry,
Houston, TX
2014 Panelist “Success Loves Company: Collaborations” at MAPC Conference, San Antonio, TX
Texas Atomic Iron Commission, Part B, Invitational Visiting Artist, Houston, TX
2013 Foundations in Art: Theory and Education, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Southern Graphics Council, Milwaukee, WI
“Sloss National Conference on Cast Iron Art,” Birmingham, AL
2012 Co-Founder of the Jackalope Art Conference, 4th Street Studios, DeKalb, IL
National Portfolio Day, St. Louis, MO
“Carnival of Fire” Chicago, IL
Iron Head Iron Pour, Cedar Rapids, IA
Iron in May, Sculpture Trails, Solsberry, IN
2011 Co-Instructor of Large Mold Workshop instructor, “Sloss National Conference on Cast Iron Art,” Birmingham, AL
Chicago Hot Glass Iron Pour, Chicago, IL
Red Gate Studio Iron Pour, Chicago, IL
Indiana University Iron Pour, Bloomington, IN
2010 ”United Chilton Republic Iron Pour," Chilton, WI
“CAA Conference,” Chicago, IL
2009 “Tree Iron Pour,” Chilton, WI
2008 “Indianapolis Biennial Iron Art Pour,” Indianapolis, IN
Texas Academic Sculpture Association Art Conference, Beaumont, TX
2007 Teachers Assistant, Public Aluminum Scratch Block Pour, Corpus Christi Art Museum, Corpus Christi, TX
Teachers Assistant, Beeville College Aluminum Art Pour, Beeville, TX
Teacher’s Assistant, “Sloss National Conference on Cast Iron Art”, Birmingham, AL
2006 Teacher’s Assistant, “Keen Foundry Symposium” Houston, TX
TAMUCC Public Aluminum Pour for the local Elementary School, Corpus Christi, TX
Exhibitions Curated
2013 Kishwaukee College, School of Art and Design Student Exhibition, Malta, IL
2011 Kishwaukee College, School of Art and Design Student Show, Malta, IL
2009 Curator “The Glass Ceiling” The Latino Resource Center, DeKalb, IL
2006 “29th Annual Sea Sculpture” New Port Pass, TX (Judge)
Print Exchange
2011 “Hatebreeders Print Exchange”
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